Thursday, May 9, 2019

Guns Yet Again (Maybe One Last Time)

I have blogged about guns so many times that I am sick of the subject--and any faithful followers that I might have are probably sick of it, too.

So this is kind of a summation.

I don't understand how many shootings it's going to take before the American populace demands that something be done about the problem.

I also don't understand why this is not apparent to people: that the problem is one of the prevalence of guns and the easy availability of guns.

As to the first: According to statistics available on the Internet, in 2017 and 2018, 42% and 43% of American households owned one or more firearm.

When guns are prevalent, there will be accidents such as children shooting themselves or other children, or accidentally being shot by their parents or other adults. Also, episodes of anger, such as an argument in a bar or road rage, all too often mean that someone whips out a gun and shoots someone else. If you pay attention to the news, you know that these things are in fact happening, and at a rate of several per week, with hundreds being murdered by guns annually.

And easy availability of guns in America has given us the school shootings and other mass shootings where someone mentally or emotionally unstable kills numerous innocent people--children and others.

America mourns these occurrences but at the same time seems to accept them as a fact of life in the US. (If I were Donald Trump writing a tweet, I'd summarize with a term like "sad" or "tragic" or "shameful" or "disgusting.") I'm about to become cynical and conclude that nothing will be done any time soon.

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