Donald Trump is a horrible, horrible, horrible human being.
I can't say "horrible" enough times; and it saddens me that enough
American people elected him and, worse, still support him after we have had three years to see what he is like.
He has separated children from their parents at the border
and put them in cages. Every other word out of his mouth is a lie or an
exaggeration, and he has abused his office and violated the law (e.g.-- only
the latest--by trying to enlist Ukraine
to help him get "dirt" on a political opponent). He can't stand
criticism and childishly calls names to anyone who criticizes him.
Not to mention his attitudes toward women (remember the tape where he tells Billy Bush, "grab 'em by their pussies" and the hush money paid to Stormy Daniels just before the election?), minorities, Latinos, Jews, and LGBT people (the last quite likely influenced by Mike Pence, who was well known, before becoming Vice President, as hugely anti-LGBT).
Not to mention his attitudes toward women (remember the tape where he tells Billy Bush, "grab 'em by their pussies" and the hush money paid to Stormy Daniels just before the election?), minorities, Latinos, Jews, and LGBT people (the last quite likely influenced by Mike Pence, who was well known, before becoming Vice President, as hugely anti-LGBT).
His only good or value is Donald Trump and how to advance
his own power, position, status, or personal wealth.
And I have hardly begun to enumerate all the things that are
bad about him.
If we could get rid of him today, that would not be soon