We are just now seeing evidence of something I've been saying for a long time. The Republicans in Congress are opposing a tax-cut extension if it does not continue the tax breaks for the rich.
If anyone needed evidence that the Republican Party is all about the rich and privileged, they should take note of this and doubt no longer.
I just cannot comprehend the "common man" who supports the Republicans when (as I know I have said repeatedly) they are the party of the rich, the privileged, and big, powerful corporations (who unabashedly buy legislators' support).
We keep hearing how serious the nation's deficit, and the national debt, are. Raising taxes on those who can afford it the best should be a no-brainer. I can't understand how the Republicans think the American public in general will have enough sympathy for the rich to want to spare them a tax increase.
But wait a minute. There has been this phenomenon in America: Americans would never (just to conjure up an image as an example) stone the Rolls-Royces. It's because every American believes he might some day be rich. For the poorer folks, maybe it's a foolish faith that they're going to win the lottery, or that some other miracle is going to happen for them. But studies have shown, nearly everyone in America thinks he might be rich some day. On the other hand, with the grim economic conditions we've had recently, maybe many Americans have begun to wake up from that chapter of "the American dream."
Copyright © 2010 by Richard Stein
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I know I've said this before but you're oh so correct Richard! Not supporting the greedy agendas of an American rightwing extremist self-promoting and obstructionist element should be a no-brainer for Americans but then who speaks for the actions or inclinations of (m)asses? Despite what people may think or wish is in store for themselves the statistical fact of the matter is that very few win the lottery and of those who do most who find themselves lucky on a given day don't necessarily have the good fortune of hanging onto their proceeds. (My older brother is living proof of this and his story isn't an isolated one by any means) Republican tycoons are forever after bigger pieces of the American dream pie and will stop at virtually nothing to get the biggest pieces until there is no more pie. Such Americans are piggish! Intimidation and ruthlessness toward average American breadwinners in the workplace and elsewhere is at an all time high by greedy certain corporate American stuff-shirts who constantly preach to anyone unfortunate enough to have to listen about some trickle down nonsense that rarely if ever has come to be. The very last thing on Earth any of these self-proclaimed big-wig corporate big-mouths who tout such untrue rubbish have ever intended to do is share in an American dream or with anything else. The gap between rich and poor in addition to the erosion of the American middle class should serve as evidence enough of what has been happening over time in America. The only way for average and poorer Americans to survive in such a climate as with the present day corporate America is to keep the ultra rich and their politicl bought and paid for rightwing henchmen from completely taking over everything and everyone since obviously domination is without a shred of doubt the name of their greedy game.