First, I don't really aspire to being a political pundit—but I do have this one thought to share. It occurred to me that the presidential election is next year, and candidates are already preparing.
Now, it's conventional wisdom in politics that an incumbent has every advantage, not the least of which is that he (or she) has the necessary fund-raising machinery in place.
However, as to recent presidents of the US: we are used to the idea of presidents serving two terms, but in the last few decades there have been several that failed to get elected to a second term. There was Jimmy Carter, who lost to Richard Nixon in 1968. There was George H.W. Bush, who lost to Bill Clinton. And, if you want to count him, there was Lyndon Johnson, who, before the 1968 election made the famous speech, "I will not seek, nor will I accept, the nomination of my party for President of the United States."
I think that Barack Obama is by no means a shoe-in for a second term. Again political wisdom is that the economy is always the primary issue—at least if it is not doing well. And the US economy, and the jobs situation—rightly or wrongly—is perceived as unsatisfactory, and Mr. Obama (again rightly or wrongly) gets the blame.
Not to mention all the sentiment against him stirred up by the Tea Partiers and other far–Right Wing types. Even many of those who supported him at one point have become disillusioned.
I'd say Obama has less than an even chance. Given that, I suggest to liberals that they consider voting in the Republican primary election, next year, to help advance the candidacy of whichever Republican presidential candidate is the most moderate or centrist. If many people did this, it might help prevent a very far-Right candidate from being the next president.
Copyright © 2011 by Richard Stein
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Help Prevent an Extreme Right-Winger from Being the Next US President
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I agree. I switch my party registration periodically to vote for moderate candidates. I commented on this recently in my blog: