Sunday, March 29, 2020

People's Behavior and the Corona Virus

There are multiple news stories of people ignoring the advice--even the orders--of government officials and health authorities to "shelter in place" and avoid crowds, groups, etc.

I read that many people are going to church. If that's not a crowd, I don't know what is. I strongly suspect that they feel that, if they are good, faithful, believing church goers, God will protect them from any illness. My money is on the other side, that this behavior is spreading the virus. But then I freely admit that we've got radically differing worldviews going on here.

And then there are the people gathering on beaches and so forth--for example, students on their spring break in Florida. Police had to disperse these crowds and then officials closed the beaches. In this case we think of the fact that young people seem to feel they are invulnerable and often show poor judgment.

So I thought it was going to turn out to be young people involved, again, when I saw a story about police breaking up a party in New Jersey where the partygoers were packed into a 550-sq ft apartment. But no, in this case it was actually a 47-year-old man who was hosting the party. He called it a "corona party." I can only think of adjectives like stupid and foolish and defiance of advice (and government orders) such as you'd expect from 18 year olds.

Well, readers of my blog may have already divined that--based on life experience of almost more decades than I care to admit to--I have conceived a low opinion of the wisdom and rationality of the mass of my fellow human beings. In an age when the survival of humanity is threatened by climate change and destruction of animal species and of the environment in general, I find it difficult to side with the optimists.

Copyright (c) 2020

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