Wednesday, July 18, 2012

A Few (Silly) Thoughts

I saw a witch. Yes, a real honest-to-goodness witch and not one of those wannabe witches who call themselves wiccans.

Well, I said to her, "Aroint thee, witch," which, as anyone who knows their Shakespeare knows, is what you say to a witch.

Well, she said, "I don't know how to aroint. I flunked Arointing 101 in witch college."

So I asked her, "You went to witch college? Where was that?"

And, naturally, she said "Witchita."

A Little Dialog

A: I let my tomatoes sit and ripen after I buy them.

B: Makes sense. How long do you let them ripen?

A: About a week. I fatten up my bagels before I use them, too.

B: You do? How do you fatten up bagels?

A: Well, naturally you have to feed them.

B: What do you feed bagels to fatten them up?

A: Just cold air. You see, I let them sit in the refrigerator and then the cold air fattens them up.

B: They feed on cold air?

A: Yes. Well, you have to let the cold air get to them, but it just needs to get down into the hole in the middle.

B: So they feed through the hole in the center?

A: Yeah, you know, they're like an octopus or a starfish or something that has its mouth in the center.

B: Who knew?

Copyright (c) 2012 by Richard Stein

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