Thursday, April 8, 2021

It's a Queer World--or at Least English Is Queer

Eggs don't grow on an egg plant.

Shoes don't grow on a shoe tree.

Flowers don't sleep in a flower bed.

Taste buds never open up to be taste blossoms.

Roosters crow but crows don't rooster. I think the crows should organize to protest.

If you want to raise questions--say in academe or public affairs-- you need to have a question farm.

Trees have a bark but it must be a very quiet one because I've never heard it.

It can rain cats and dogs but you never see those animals pooling in the gutter. (The weather man predicted cats-and-dogs rain and said it would be "soggy." Maybe he should  have said "doggy.")

Fish occur in schools but I don't think they learn very much there--at least not how to avoid being caught.

To clock someone is pretty different from watching them.

A horsetail is not a grown-up version of a  ponytail. It's a plant.

"Peace of mind" and "a piece of my mind" are pretty different but sound pretty similar and might confuse someone learning English.

Copyright (c) 2021.

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