Saturday, March 13, 2010

As if We Didn't Already Know

Florida and Texas are backward.

And yes, what Texas specifies it wants in textbooks, it gets; and it not only may influence textbooks for the rest of the country, it definitely does. Because Texas has state-wide adoptions (that is, a state body specifies what textbooks are acceptable for the entire state), and textbook publishers can't afford to make different versions for Texas and for the rest of the U.S.--what Texas will buy pretty much dictates what the books are going to be like--what they may or may not contain--for the whole country.

Trust me on this: I've worked in textbook publishing.

Copyright (c) 2010 by Richard Stein

1 comment:

  1. How sad for Florida and Texas. Can you imagine a place that opts out on the teaching of enlightenment in favor of some insignificant dreamer and religious quackpot? That doesn't say much for Texas but then it's Texas where know doubt some dumb bum steer still leads the way. The Florida rejection of film culture is also sad with its old and silly phobia of Mayberry-like characters. I'll bet they've pulled all movies that ever featured Rock Hudson too. It's sad to think we have such backward havens in the US with imbeciles so intent on dragging their heels and retarding all the country with all their childish phobias and chronic crap. I didn't notice any rejection of the Beverly Hillbillies films but maybie that's on account of where at least some in places like Florida and Texas got their views on family values and book learning.
