Sunday, April 18, 2010

Political Discussions Are in Vain

A gentleman named Michael Moakley has written,

. . . [T]he best way to lose a political argument is to carefully research the issue in question and support the resulting opinion with facts.

To me at least, that's one of those statements that immediately rings true. You know, and I know, that we almost certainly would not get anywhere arguing with one of those Tea Partyers. It's probably futile to even try to argue these things. We share our ideas with those who already agree with us, and we read magazines that reinforce what we already believe: liberal for liberals, conservative for conservatives. There's the old expression of "preaching to the choir" or "preaching to the converted."

Maybe I should not waste any more keystrokes blogging on political matters.

Copyright (c) 2010 by Richard Stein

1 comment:

  1. Arguing with one of those Tea Partyers you say? Barney Frank pointed out with one of them how she was like trying to have a conversation with a table. Only a table no doubt would be better company, more presentable, more desirable, less objectionable, less distasteful, less loud, less obnoxious, more pleasant to look at, less likely to come apart at the hinges, and best of all by far easier to set and keep in place.
