Thursday, November 5, 2020

Donald Trump, Liar-in-Chief


Note/disclaimer: I write this as the outcome of the Nov. 3,2020 election is still uncertain.

Donald Trump is a colossal liar. He unceasingly spreads misinformation and disinformation, half-truths and lies. The New York Times counted some 1300 lies from Trump in his public speeches, etc., in his first year in office--that's about three a day.

And, with incredible irony, he attacks anything that is unfavorable to him or critical of him or shows him to be wrong as "fake news"--when he is the fake news.

It seriously threatens our democracy when a president seeks to undermine our news media and the very profession of journalism. Unfortunate--and very concerning to me--is that people--at least his supporters--believe him.

People do not know, have never learned, to be critical or to tell truth from lies.

Many, many years ago, when I was teaching, I used to upbraid my own students for being uncritical. I would say to them, "I could stand up here and say 'Black is white' and it would go in your ears, through  you heads and then down through your arms and onto the paper of your notebooks."

There are courses I have seen to make people better able to tell what is true.

Evidently a big factor is social media. People see deliberate misinformation on social media sites and believe it. Worse, they pass it on to others.

As I hear, some social media sites have begun to put labels--labels carrying a warning--that some posts are known to be false or misleading.

Right now, as votes from the election of two days ago are being counted, he is trying to call these votes--which are simply mail-in ballots that in many states, according to their state laws, could not be counted until the in-person voting was over, fraudulent, trying to make a case that the election is being stolen from him. This is merely our democracy working--working as it should--and he is doing all he can to discredit it.

 Another remarkable event of the still-young new year is the result of the run-off US Senate election in the state of Georgia. Georgia is a Southern state and surely has shown some of the prejudices associated with the South (maybe, to be charitable, I'll add "at times"), yet it has just elected a Jew and an African-American to the Senate (two different gentlemen). I suspect some Southerners of the old sort are shrieking in horror.


© 2020.

Friday, September 18, 2020

Reasons Why People Like Trump

 Mr. Donald J. Trump has done everything wrong. Just as a couple of examples: He has not moved the US in the right direction--or has moved it even in the wrong direction--on global warming/climate change. He has weakened protections of the populace against air and water pollution, to favor big business, the polluters. And, maybe worst, through his poor handling of COVID-19 virus, he has allowed nearly 200,000 people to die (yes, he deserves major responsibility for that).

 And yet tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of people love him.

 Hard for me to understand.

 And yet: One man interviewed for TV said that he wants to see America go back to the America of his youth.

 I can sort of understand that. In my younger days, we did not even have the words carjacking, school shooting, lockdown, smash-and-grab.

 On the other hand, in those days maybe the Black man was expected to "know his place," and of course stay in it!

 Of course we cannot go back, and we should not want to. Drop that nostalgia, such as it may be, and realize that there are so many ways in which we must progress and are overdue to progress. As far as race is concerned, we are staring in the face the very problems that were recognized 50 years ago.

Copyright © 2020.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Some (I Hope) Funny Stuff--pretty miscellaneous

 What is a hill billy? A male mountain goat (think about it).

I can't run a marathon, I can't run a mile, but I can run a bath. And I can run a stop sign (but I really don't ever).

A friend of mine is someone who always has to be up on the newest and latest. Instead of catching COVID-19 he caught COVID-20.

I would not want to send Donald Trump to a lighthouse, let alone the White House.

To eat low-calorie food I recommend Swiss cheese holes. I promise you, they are very low-calorie. In fact they are the keystone of my new diet, which I call hole-istic.

One hears about so many dishes or recipes "made from scratch." I have tried multiple times to find "scratch" in the store, but they never have it.



Saturday, May 30, 2020

Reagan, Trump (and Other Republicans and Conservatives), and COVID-19

Ronald Reagan, as a candidate for president in 1980, kept telling us that government--at least big government--is a bad thing. Government is sprawling, bureaucratic, inefficient, corrupt. And anything that government does can be done better and cheaper by private industry.

And, as president, Reagan put this policy into practice, and cut, defunded, or eliminated many government agencies and programs. (For example, the day of his inauguration he stopped all Department of Energy funding for alternative-energy research, thereby setting back our work on sustainable energy sources by 30 years or more.  This ultimately cost me my job so--disclosure!--okay, maybe here I have an axe to grind.)

Reagan's continued railing against government convinced a lot of people--someone said, "Reagan won that battle"--and has perhaps become the prevailing philosophy in America. Certainly we see it in Trump, who also has been cutting and defunding a lot of government offices and programs. Just as an example, he cut funding to the Centers for Disease Control.

I want to quote a little publication called Catalyst, published by the Union of Concerned Scientists:
In 2014, the Obama administration established an office within the National Security Council to coordinate the federal government's future response to pandemics and provide accountable and organized leadership.

In 2017, the Trump administration abolished this office--and perhaps as a direct result, its response to the coronavirus pandemic was initially haphazard, inept, and lacking in overall accountability. We didn't have a clear sense of who is coordinating federal agencies to address public health and safety. We do have bungled efforts, like the failure to arrange for an adequate supply of testing kits. . . .

Conventional wisdom holds that private markets are the best way to satisfy society's needs, and the role of government should be primarily focused on ensuring that markets work properly. COVID-19 puts the lie to this proposition. When a crisis hits, there is no substitute for effective action directed and mandated by government.  Market signals alone will not ensure that the right people get tested, that emergency hospitals are set up, that ventilator manufacturing is ramped up, and so on.

 Catalyst, Volume 20, Spring 2020, pp. 2, 20

As of a few days ago, the death toll from this virus had surpassed 100,000. I believe that Trump and the philosophy I have cited here are at least partly to blame for these deaths. However much Reagan and other conservatives influenced public thinking and subsequent politics, I strongly believe that, as this article suggests, it's time to say that here we have a real-life situation that shows that this philosophy is flawed.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

People's Behavior and the Corona Virus

There are multiple news stories of people ignoring the advice--even the orders--of government officials and health authorities to "shelter in place" and avoid crowds, groups, etc.

I read that many people are going to church. If that's not a crowd, I don't know what is. I strongly suspect that they feel that, if they are good, faithful, believing church goers, God will protect them from any illness. My money is on the other side, that this behavior is spreading the virus. But then I freely admit that we've got radically differing worldviews going on here.

And then there are the people gathering on beaches and so forth--for example, students on their spring break in Florida. Police had to disperse these crowds and then officials closed the beaches. In this case we think of the fact that young people seem to feel they are invulnerable and often show poor judgment.

So I thought it was going to turn out to be young people involved, again, when I saw a story about police breaking up a party in New Jersey where the partygoers were packed into a 550-sq ft apartment. But no, in this case it was actually a 47-year-old man who was hosting the party. He called it a "corona party." I can only think of adjectives like stupid and foolish and defiance of advice (and government orders) such as you'd expect from 18 year olds.

Well, readers of my blog may have already divined that--based on life experience of almost more decades than I care to admit to--I have conceived a low opinion of the wisdom and rationality of the mass of my fellow human beings. In an age when the survival of humanity is threatened by climate change and destruction of animal species and of the environment in general, I find it difficult to side with the optimists.

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