Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Presumed Stupid, until Proven Otherwise

Stupid people will assume you are stupid—like themselves. Seems they can't imagine an intelligence greater than their own.

Smart people, like members of Mensa, are used to the majority of people being stupider than they are—so they will assume you are stupid (even if they know you are another Mensa member).

People like doctors get used to dealing with the lowest common denominator, so they assume you are stupid.

So—sort of like innocent until proved guilty--you are presumed stupid until proved intelligent.

Maybe I am the sort who tends to hide his light under a bushel. I have found people who seemed to interpret everything I said as evidence that I was stupid.

It doesn't help that I stutter. This can have two consequences: One, what I'm saying is not understood (maybe because the steady rhythm of normal speech is very important and, if you interrupt it, communication is inhibited). Two, many people, simply out of ignorance, associate impaired ability to communicate with subnormal intelligence.

Copyright © Richard Stein

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